HomeCategory Seminars & Conferences

DZ&A at convention on Malta organised by ABCGroup

Filippo Maria Arcaleni, from David Zahra & Associates Advocates, have recently participated in an business convention on intellectual property held at the Malta Enterprise head office at Gwardamangia Hill on Friday 24 May 2013. The event was organised by ACBGroup (www.acbgroup.com). This event brought together various Italian professionals in the field of law and accountancy...

DZ&A at SMP Forum

David Zahra, partner at David Zahra & Associates Advocates, shall be delivering a presentation during a breakout session on ‘Limiting Auditor Liability’ during the SMP Forum 2013 organised by the Malta Institute of Accountants on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at the Hilton Malta, St Julians. The SMP Forum is organised by the Small and Medium...

DZ&A participates in Malta Enterprise delegation to Siracusa, Sicily

David Zahra and Filippo Maria Arcaleni, from David Zahra & Associates Advocates, have recently participated in a Malta Enterprise business delegation to Siracusa, Sicily. The event brought companies from Sicily and Malta which are interested in tapping business opportunities in such jurisdictions. DZ&A had the opportunity to meet the President of the Siracusa branch of...

DZ&A at 4th Islamic Financial Services Forum

David Zahra, founding partner of David Zahra & Associates, has recently participated in the 4th Islamic Financial Services Forum: The European Challenge held at the Banca d’Italia in Rome, Italy on 9 April 2013. The forum was organised by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), an international standard-setting organisation that promotes and enhances the soundness and stability of the Islamic...

David Zahra leads workshop on ‘Commercial Law for Accountants’

On 3 April 2013, David Zahra, founding partner of David Zahra & Associates Advocates, lead a workshop on ‘Commercial Law for Accountants’ (M1309) as part of the Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) programme of continuing professional education (CPE) events dealing with professional competencies. The objective of this workshop was to understand the fundamental aspects of the...

David Zahra lectures on Islamic Finance at the Vatican

David Zahra has recently delivered a lecture on ‘Islamic Finance’ as part of the 12° Corso biennale in Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa organised by the Fondazione Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice and the Pontificia Universita’ Lateranense. The lecture took place on Saturday 12th January 2013 at the Istituto Maria Santissima Bambina, Città del Vaticano. The Corso biennale...

MISCO Directors Network launches its first workshop

MISCO Directors Network (MDN), a network of individuals who wish to provide their services as directors on Malta companies, is launching its first workshop this month which will cover the theme: ‘The Challenges of Non-Executive Directorships’. MDN is creating a network of excellence of persons who are already in board directorship positions or who are interested in...

CD&Z participates in Malta Enterprise business delegation to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

David Zahra, partner at Camilleri de Marco & Zahra Advocates, has recently participated in a Malta Enterprise business delegation to the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The 10-strong business delegation brought together operators from different sectors such financial and professional advisory services, ICT services, audiovisual services as well as renewable energy....

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